6 Best Anti-Inflammatory Drinks You Should Be Buying, According to a Dietitian

Green Tea:

Contains EGCG, which acts as an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects. Be cautious with added sugars.

Orange Juice:

Pure orange juice, without added sugars, is rich in vitamin C and may help reduce inflammation markers like interleukin .

Pomegranate Juice:

 Contains polyphenols like punicalagin, known for their anti-inflammatory benefits and potential blood pressure reduction.

Green Juice: 

Made from leafy greens like watercress, spinach, or kale, which contain compounds like PEITC, offering antioxidant.

Beet Juice: 

Rich in betalains and nitrates, beet juice helps combat oxidative stress and inflammation.


Despite misconceptions, dairy milk can have anti-inflammatory effects when consumed without added sugars.