Kozma recommends one of the easiest exercises: Walking. "Start with a brisk walk around your neighborhood or on a treadmill," he suggests.
The next workout Kozma recommends also only requires a pair of shoes: Jogging. "Increase your pace to a light jog for added calorie burn.
Cycling is another great workout for weight loss. According to Kozma, using a stationary or outside bike will reap major calorie burning benefits.
Swimming is a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity, according to the CDC. Just two and a half hours per week.
When it comes to exercises you can do at home, jumping jacks are a good place to start. According to Kozma, they are "great for warming.
Burpees might not be fun, but they are great for burning calories and blasting fat. Kozma explains that the move "combines squats, jumps.
High knees are another effective exercise that can be done anytime, anyplace. "Run in place while lifting your knees as high as you can," he instructs.
Mountain climbers are another great exercise to help you maximize fat loss. The move "engages your core while mimicking the motion of climbing a mountain.